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Are you considering dental implants because you have missing teeth and you don’t want dentures? Dental implants are a popular option for people who desire a natural smile. The AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry) facts and figures have reported the number of people getting dental implants at 500,000 per year. There are currently 3 million people with implants in the U.S. and this number increases every year.

Reasons to consider Dental Implants:

Dental implants are typically made of titanium because of its high bonding ability with the jaw bone. Dental implants are the closest equivalent to replacing missing teeth a person can get.

The History of Dental Prostheses

Before dental prostheses were readily available, patients who were missing teeth found it impossible to regain a natural smile. Ancient dental prostheses were crude in design and a poor substitute for natural teeth. Previous designs were cumbersome with limited functionality. The many limitations of removable prostheses paved the way for modern day dental implants of implant model in surrey

By the mid 20th century a number of modern day techniques emerged. Previous implants were highly unpredictable and expensive. Different patients reported signs of failure shortly after implant surgery. Many people who formerly received implants ended up having the implants removed. Modern day procedures and education have eliminated many of the drawbacks of past dental surgeries.

A Swedish orthopedist named Per-Ingvar Branemark introduced the term osseointegrated implants to the cosmetic industry. Osseointegration is the merging of living bone and the incorporation of a load carrying implant. Dr. Branemark’s technique utilized biocompatible titanium alloy implants inserted into the alveolar process. The alveolar bone tissue is a ridge of bone that houses the tooth sockets that anchor the teeth of the maxillae and the mandible.

Different Types of Dental Implants

Subperiosteal Implant

Used on patients who don’t have adequate bone tissue. Custom designed metal framework that fits over the existing bone. Can be used to replace multiple teeth. Dental professionals are the best at determining what implant is best to use. The gum tissue grows around the implant.

Endosteal Implant

Implanted directly into the bone. Different styles provide an anchor through which a single pin can be inserted into an individual’s existing tooth. The endosseous blade implant was developed by L.I. Linkow and R. Robert. The paper was published around 1968 and it soon became popular in the scientific community. Root form implant is another name for endosseous or endosteal implants. The inserts resemble screws, nails or cones that come in various widths and lengths. This type of implant surgery is ideal for patients with normal bone tissue.

Intramucosal Inserts

The mushroom shaped inserts attach to the gum side of the dentures. Intramucosal inserts fit into specially prepared indentations in the roof of the mouth.

Ramus Frame Implant

A recommended implant for people with thin lower jawbones. Subperiosteal root form implants can not be used if a patient has a lack of jawbone tissue. The Ramus frame implant is embedded in the back corners of the mouth in the jawbone during surgery. After the gum tissue heals a thin metal bar is visible above the gumline, special dentures are made that interconnect onto this bar.

Transosseous Implant

Previously implanted into patients with little bone tissue in their lower jaws or with no bottom teeth. Transosseous implants required extensive surgery with the aid of anesthesia and hospitalization. This type of implant was primarily used for patients with no teeth in the lower jaw. The two metal rods inserted through the chin bone were visible inside the mouth. The rods were used to attach a customized denture for the patient. Endosteal implant methods are now used in place of transosseous implant surgery.

Blade Form Implant

Another form of endosseous plate form implant placed in the jawbone. Blade form implants are shaped like flat rectangles of metal with one or two metal prongs. The prongs are made to support crowns or bridges.

Dental Implant Procedure

Implants fall under two categories those that are bonded to the jawbone and those that rest on top of the bone. Dental implants can be made to replace a single tooth or a series of missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

Dental implant steps:

  1. During a dental implant procedure a D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) will surgically place the implant into the jawbone to bond with the bone. The implant bonds to the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. As the jawbone “heals” around the implant it gets anchored in place. Healing times vary widely depending on the health of the patient.
  2. For those patients who require a second visit the dentist will customize a dental crown. The artificial tooth will be customized to blend in with a patients other teeth. Other patients will have custom made bridges or dentures to fit the oral cavity.

The Health Benefits of Dental Implants

Dentures can be a long term solution for people who are understandably self conscious because they have missing teeth. Gum disease and tooth decay both contribute to accelerated tooth loss. The (CDC) Centers for Disease Control & Prevention released a 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reported that 25% of adults aged 60 years and older have lost all of their teeth.

Another study revealed more than 20.5% of U.S. adults aged 65 and older have lost their teeth due to tooth decay or gum disease. - 2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Replacing a missing tooth is not just for the vain at heart. Missing teeth can drastically alter the shape of the mouth. For every tooth missing the remaining teeth end up shifting position, this causes the sunken jaw appearance in so many denture wearers. Another major cause for tooth decay and disease is missing teeth. Investigating getting dental implants is not purely for aesthetic reasons. The long term health benefits of dental implants provide more stability and support than dentures or partial dentures.

Patients with adequate bone and gum tissue in good health are usually prime candidates for dental implant surgery. If you would like to discuss your options, contact us for a free consultation.

About Dr. Michael Layton

Dr. Michael Layton - South Surrey Dentist, Dental ImplantsDr. Michael Layton (DDS) is the dentist for Peace Arch Dental, a dental office in the South Surrey/White Rock, B.C. area. He has been in the dental industry for the last decade and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington. He takes pride in providing positive and caring dental solutions for people of every walk of life. You can follow him on Google+.

Patients who require dental implants have missing teeth or no teeth. Superior to dentures dental implants are perfect replacements for a persons natural teeth. People who can afford dental implant surgery can expect natural looking teeth that are durable and life like. Ideal candidates for dental implants must have adequate bone and gum tissue, this can be determined by a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.). Besides the aesthetic value of dental implants is the health aspect. Many people with missing teeth have a sunken mouth and receding jawline appearance when viewed from a side profile. Bone shrinkage and the lack of bone stimulation from having missing teeth or no teeth results in bone loss. Wearing dentures can actually contribute to accelerated bone loss in most people.

History Of The Types Of Dental Implants

Endosteal and subperiosteal are the two main types of dental implants. Endosteal implants are placed in the jawbone, in the shape of small screws, cylinders, hollow and blade implants. Subperiosteal implants are placed above the jawbone and under the gum tissue, ideal for patients who have a less than substantial jawbone tissue.

Dental implants are made from the following materials: pure titanium, titanium alloy and titanium nickel alloy. Pure titanium has a high bonding ability with bone and titanium alloy is of a similar quality. Titanium nickel alloy is used because it adheres to bone tissue adequately.

Dental implant surgery is completed in two stages. In the first stage the dentist will surgically place a metal screw implant into the jawbone, an abutment is next screwed into the non visible metal screw. After this initial stage procedure the patient is placed on a soft food diet until the gum tissue heals. The second stage comes after the bone tissue heals. The process of the implant bonding with the bone is called osseointegration. Healing times vary from patient to patient. After the healing process is complete the replacement teeth can be attached to the implant. Dental implant surgery is a complex process taking several visits from the initial dental CT Scan to when the final implants are placed. A Doctor of Dental surgery will be able to give the patient an accurate healing time schedule for implant surgery. This can very from immediate placement and restoration to waiting up to 9 months per for your final tooth replacement.

Cost Estimates for Dental Implants

As you can see, all dental implants are not created equal as well as dental costs for implants vary from clinic to clinic. There is no set charge for dental implant procedures. Each individual dental clinic can vary widely on diagnosis and cost. Because dental implants are expected to last many, many years - comparable to other titanium prosthetics devices (hip joints, etc), the expense can be multiple thousands of dollars. Only with a consultation with an implant trained Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) can you get a quote specific to your situation.

The replacement cost for a single tooth dental implant will also be influenced by the health and stability of the surrounding teeth. If the surrounding teeth around the implant require extraction the cost will be higher. Teeth extractions are the least expensive form of dentistry but can escalate in cost on an emergency basis and can jump up to $450 dollars per tooth. A bone graft may also be necessary before dental implant surgery is performed. If an individual lacks enough bone tissue, a DDS can perform a bone graft, using the patients bone tissue from another area of the jaw bone or even hip. Costs can escalate even more as more and more bone is lost. Additional costs can include x-rays or a CT scan. The healing time for bone grafts on average takes from 3 to 6 months to heal before implant surgery is performed.

After the implant bodies have healed in the bone, the foundation for the dental prosthetic is ready to go. Similar to a foundation on a house, the implants support the teeth. When replacing a single tooth, the abutment and a dental crown. The greater number of teeth that require replacement the higher the cost. Ultimately, if you are considering a dental implant to replace one or more missing teeth you are choosing a path of healthy lifetime dentistry. There may be a large up front expense but amortized over one’s lifetime, the cost of a dental implant can be a reasonable $100-200/year.

Sometimes the desire of the individual is to replace most or all of their teeth with an implant retained prosthesis. Usually these are people that HATE their teeth and have always struggled with loosing teeth over and over again. Dental work doesn’t last and each time they try something new. Instead of a tooth fix, these individuals require a system rebuild. In other words. The way there jaws meet together needs to be support mainly by dental implant supported prostheses. These include implant supported bridges that span a gap of missing teeth in a patient. Implant supported partial and complete dentures are another. Fixed appliances such as ALL-ON-FOUR and Teeth-in-a-Day dental treatments fall into this category as well. The more missing teeth the more expensive the procedure. partial or complete mouth dental replacement can cost as much as a small vehicle.

Be forewarned prospective patients with chronic immune system diseases like cancer and  osteoporosis are not good candidates for implants. People considering this extensive surgery should be in optimum health for quicker recovery times.

Our experience has been that 99% of people have undergone a dental implant procedure are blown away by how easy it is. If done correctly, implants have the highest success rate of any dental procedure but are dependent on osseointegration, the bonding of the metal to the bone. Consulting with a qualified Doctor of Dental Surgery who has spent additional time being trained in dental implantology will prevent corrections of improperly placed implants that will have to be replaced later on. Quality always wins the financial battle in the long term.

Insurance and Dental Implants

Dental implants are considered elective procedures by the majority of insurance companies in Canada. Consulting your individual health care insurance plan for coverage information is highly recommended. Some employee insurance companies may substitute part of the cost for dental implant surgery.

For patients who require dental implants you may want to consult with your dentist for individual payment plans and financing.

Ultimately, you get what you pay for and dental implantology can be very predictable and stable. However, many of the problems in implant dentistry is when people try to take short cuts and find the cheapest way to go. In 10-20 years from now, the health and function of the dental implants will be of primary importance. Let us help you get where you want to be.

As the owner of Peace Arch Dental Centre, in White Rock, BC, I received my implant training from the prestigious Pacific Implant Institute. I love providing implant dental solutions that work for people of all walks of life. Contact me for a complimentary consultation.

About Dr. Michael Layton

Dr. Michael Layton - South Surrey Dentist, Dental ImplantsDr. Michael Layton (DDS) is the dentist for Peace Arch Dental, a dental office in the South Surrey/White Rock, B.C. area. He has been in the dental industry for the last decade and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington. He takes pride in providing positive and caring dental solutions for people of every walk of life. You can follow him on Google+.

If you have missing teeth or no teeth, you know how devastating this can be to your self esteem. Maybe you're tired of wearing dentures and experiencing the inconvenience of not being able to eat whatever you want. Perhaps you're ready for a more natural looking permanent solution to your dental problems. Having dental implants is the closest thing to having the look and feel of your original teeth.

The whole idea behind getting dental implants is to provide the patient with the self esteem they had before losing their natural teeth.


If you have missing teeth or wear dentures you many want to consider the benefits of dental implants. Replacing your existing teeth with dental implants can now be performed seamlessly. Modern day dentistry has countless benefits over conventional removable prosthesis.

Reasons for Tooth Loss

Poor oral health is directly linked to periodontal disease responsible for the loss of teeth. Periodontitis is an advanced form of gingivitis, left untreated it can result in a host of problems including the loss of your pearly whites. Chronic periodontitis can lead to the loss of tissue and bone that support the teeth, if you experience red inflamed gums that bleed on a regular basis consult your dental practitioner immediately.

Tooth decay is a modern day epidemic especially in the western world. Processed food that is high in acidity and sugar contribute greatly to the decline in oral health. A pH level of 5.5 or less begins to demineralize the enamel of the tooth, pH levels range from 1 to 14 with 14 being the most alkaline, 7 is neutral and 1 is the most acidic.

Some foods to avoid:

Refined Flour - Ex: biscuits, muffins, white bread, generic cereals and pastries
Hydrogenated oils - Ex: margarine, canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, fast food made or fried with hydrogenated oil, soy milk, soy and tofu
Sugar - Ex: refined sugar, brown sugar, glucose/fructose and commercial jams made with refined sugar and popular carbonated beverages

The Growing Trend of Implant Dentistry

The iData international research firm stated the US market is poised for double digit growth in the area of reconstructive dental procedures for 2013 and beyond. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons found that 69 percent of adults aged 35 to 44 have lost one or more permanent teeth to accidents, gum disease, failed root canal or tooth decay. In addition, by age 74, 26 percent of adults will have lost all of their permanent teeth.

Dentures and Bridges Are Not Always Good Enough

The inconvenience of dentures and bridges are unaesthetic and unappealing to many people. The cleaning and maintenance of dentures is a task most people will opt out off if given a choice. Hence, the modern dental implant is here to save the day.

Dental Implant Materials

Most dental implants are made of titanium but the surface of the implant can vary depending on the manufacturer and type of treatment. Implant materials can range from an acid-etched roughened surface to microgrooved or plasma sprayed titanium surface with a hydroxyapatite coating. The dental surgeon will determine what is the right fit for the patient.

Size of Dental Implants

Dental implants differ in size from your standard implant platform from 3.5 mm to 4.2 mm in diameter, these short and narrow implants are usually placed toward the front of the mouth.

The wide implant platform ranges in size from 4.5 mm to 6 mm in diameter, this is placed at the back of the mouth.

The mini or narrow body dental implants range in size from 2 mm to 3.5 mm in diameter, specifically used in patients with low bone density. Of course people all different and some patients may require custom implants based on the dimensions of their oral cavity.


The sooner the oral health of a patient is addressed the better chance that sufficient bone density in the maxilla and mandible will be available for a successful implant operation. Grafting products may also be incorporated into oral surgery to fill any space between the metal framework and the patient’s lower or upper jawbone. Surgery recovery times differ from one individual to the next, the better the blood supply and health of a patient the quicker the recovery time will be.

About Dr. Michael Layton

Dr. Michael Layton PostsDr. Michael Layton (DDS) is the dentist for Peace Arch Dental, a dental office in the South Surrey/White Rock, B.C. area. He has been in the dental industry for the last decade and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington. He takes pride in providing positive and caring dental solutions for people of every walk of life - this includes dental implants! You can follow him on Google+.

These days you don’t have to resort to Fixed Bridges if you have missing teeth. Thanks to modern dental technology, you can replace one or more missing teeth with Dental Implants.


It's safe to say loose dentures can be pretty unsatisfying. There is nothing worse than enjoying yourself at a company event only to find yourself biting a bit off more than you can chew, and that is not a reference to the comment you made about your boss to a coworker. Wearing dentures can be cumbersome, even more so if your dentures fall out in the middle of that piece of fried chicken.


Problems With Loose Dentures

Ask your Dentist which denture products his office recommends. The adhesive that you have been using for years just might not be doing its job anymore. During your next checkup, have your dentist check the fit of your dentures making sure that the bone structure in your face hasn't changed.

Over time, your dentures will begin to loosen because of age, jaw shrinkage, and everyday use. You make think that vigorously cleaning your dentures twice a day will prolong their life, but over cleansing your dentures could cause your dentures to become so loose that mouth sores and gagging could become an issue. Eating and drinking with loose dentures will not be pleasant. With the annoying clicking sound your loose dentures make every time you open your mouth to chew, you'll be wanting a change.

If you are a novice when it comes to dentures you should be prepared for a bit of a loose fit. During your denture adjustment period, your mouth will be changing, especially if you have just had your last tooth pulled. There will be discomfort, which can be reduced by keeping your regular denture adjustment appointments with your dentist.

Consider A Denture Adhesive?

Dentures that fit will not need denture adhesive. Because they were made especially for your mouth, they will hold in place naturally. If you have been applying cream, paste or powder denture adhesive, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist. If you are unable to see your dentist right away and have to resort to a dental adhesive, make sure that you apply the powder or cream to dentures that have just been cleaned. Moisten your dentures first if you are using a powder and dry them if you are using a cream or paste. Dot the adhesive on to your dentures using as little as possible when you first put in your dentures and never use it more than once a day. If you see powder of paste oozing from the corner of your mouth, you are using too much.

If you use dental adhesives, check the labels. Look for a brand that doesn’t contain zinc. Too much zinc could cause health problems including numbness and even nerve damage. This could pose even more of a threat if you eat a diet that is rich in zinc. Nuts, beef, chicken, and shellfish are just a few examples of foods that are rich in zinc.

Possible Dental Solutions For Loose Dentures

The best way to fix loose dentures is to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Even the best at home remedies will not fix the problem permanently.

Talk to your dentist about Removable Dentures that are Implant Supported. Also known as, “Overdentures,” Removable Dentures are stable and secure because your false teeth are anchored to your jawbone with dental implants. The Removable Dentures are retained with a ball and socket like attachment, or a clip and bar system.

Removable dentures

Dentures that are bar retained require two to five implants in order to support the thin bar that has been made to follow your jaw line. Your dentures fit over the metal bar and are secured by clips. Ball-retained dentures are actually anchored by the implants and finished off with ball shaped attachment made to snap in and out of the socket that corresponds to the denture.

Both types of Removable Dentures are made to be removed at night and for cleaning, just like conventional dentures. Removable Dentures are considered a excellent alternative if you have loose dentures.

Ask Your Dentist For A Solution To Your Loose Dentures

Talk to your dentist if you are tired of dental adhesive. Dental Implants or Removable Dentures just may be the answer to your denture dilemma. These days, dentists offer patients modern alternatives for people who wear dentures such as dental snaps for placement, and air valves for tightening.

If you wear dentures, it is imperative that you see your dentist twice a year, even more so if you are having problems with the fit. Unfortunately if your gums have become damaged, your gums could be receding excessively, which could require a brand new set of dentures. Gum recession is normal and can be kept at bay as long as you visit your dentist on a regular basis.

Stop procrastinating and call your dentist. Poorly fit and loose dentures can be fixed; all you have to do is make the call. Take action and fix your loose dentures now.

About Dr. Michael Layton

Dr. Michael Layton PostsDr. Michael Layton (DDS) is the dentist for Peace Arch Dental, a dental office in the South Surrey/White Rock, B.C. area. He has been in the dental industry for the last decade and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington. He takes pride in providing positive and caring dental solutions for people of every walk of life - this includes loose dentures! You can follow him on Google+.

broken teeth

Dental Implants are certainly not new. In fact, archeologists have uncovered proof that early Cosmetic Dentistry procedures did exist going back thousands of years with evidence of the ancient Egyptians pounding seashells into the gum line. Much has changed since that time with new and improved dental implants that are suitable for nearly everyone.

The Dental Implant Consultation

When you schedule an appointment for implants, you can expect to be treated by more than one dental professional. Members of your Dental Implant team may include a periodontist, a general dentist, and an oral surgeon. A prothodontist, a specialist who will make your dentures, bridges, or crowns, may also be part of your Dental Implant team.


If you have been considering Dental Implants, schedule an appointment with your Dentist to determine if you are a good candidate. Unfortunately, not everyone has the teeth, gums, or jawbone for Dental Implants, and if you have gingivitis or periodontal disease, your dentist will need to take care of that before continuing with Dental Implants.

How To Know If You're A Candidate For Dental Implants

People who are not good candidates for Dental Implants include smokers, people who have some sort of autoimmune disease and people who have uncontrolled diabetes. If you have had neck and head radiation therapy, you may not be suitable for Dental Implants.

dental implants

Reasons For Getting Dental Implants

Dental Implants are used for a variety of reasons including tooth replacement. People who have had teeth missing for weeks, months, or even years are having Dental Implants. If you have lost teeth because of periodontal disease, an injury or an infection, Dental Implants will provide you with a natural looking replacement that is much more comfortable then dentures. Depending on the tooth removed, your dentist may be able to implant during the same procedure.

dental implants with healing caps

During your appointment your Dental Implant team will determine if you have enough bone to support your new implant, if you don’t, it is possible to build up the bone in the area with augmentation or bone grafting. If bone grafting is necessary, you may have to wait several months before placement of your Dental Implants. Most patients wear a bridge or dentures during this time.

If bone grating is not necessary, your Dental Implants are usually placed with a two-step process. However, thanks to dental technology there are some types of implants that can be placed in one appointment.

About Dr. Michael Layton

Dr. Michael Layton PostsDr. Michael Layton (DDS) is a dentist based in the South Surrey/White Rock area. With over 10 years of experience in the dental industry and a Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington, Dr. Layton enjoys providing safe and easy dental solutions for every patient that walks through the doors of his practice - and reads his blog. You can follow him on Google+.

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